Tag: 2024

  • Denver and the Beauty of the Rockies

    I spent the month of June in Denver, the farthest west on my itinerary for the year. I’ve been in the city a few times over the course of my life, but this was by far the longest single stay. Which has really been the theme of the year so far: going places I’ve been,…

  • Minneapolis and the Importance of Timing

    One thing that has been pretty excellent about traveling around the country this year is the opportunities I’ve had to meet up with a bunch of people in person. That’s awesome because I love hanging out with cool people, and it’s extra awesome because I can lean on their local expertise to find amazing places…

  • Casablanca, a Fascinating Contrast

    The train ride from Marrakech to Casablanca was pretty straightforward, and interesting. First class tickets were only a couple of dollars more than regular tickets, so we sprung for them, and it turned out that first class was organized into little six-seat cabins. It never would have occurred to me to lay out a train…

  • Marrakech and Unlikely Nostalgia

    It’s been a few months since I updated, but I’m going to try to catch up on a bit of the backlog over the course of this month. We’ll see how it goes. My last post was about our excellent layover in Lisbon, but that was sort of a bonus on the way to our…

  • Did You Know That Lisbon is Super Hilly?

    The latter half of April was given over to international travel.  We had flights to Morocco on TAP (Air Portugal), and they offered us a free layover in Lisbon.  We didn’t want to give up too much time in Morocco, but a quick weekend stop sounded fun. We booked two nights in the city and…

  • Belated Eclipse Musings

    I’ve been radio silent for quite a bit, but it hasn’t felt that long from my perspective.  I suppose that regular travel eats into my blog writing time more than I’d anticipated.  I’ve basically traveled every weekend since I left Nashville. I plan to post about a bunch of that travel soon, but first I…

  • Farewell, Nashville

    Nashville was an excellent demonstration of my “don’t plan my visit to any city too thoroughly in advance” strategy both not working great, and of it working absolutely perfectly. In order to avoid the stress and time requirements of doing research and planning for each city I visit to make sure I don’t “miss” anything,…

  • The Grand Ole Opry

    My last week in Nashville I figured I needed to do something stereotypically touristy.  So I got Wednesday night tickets to the Grand Ole Opry.  My first thought?  These tickets are way more expensive than I would have guessed. I grew up in the South, and listened to a decent amount of Country music, but…

  • Fine Dining: Locust in Nashville

    Plenty of people know that I love food.  I am a huge fan of trying new cuisines and digging into favorite dishes at new places.  I also make lists of restaurants that really make me happy, and catalog the dishes they make that I enjoy the most. I imagine that just looking at the percentage…

  • Nashville Impressions

    I’ve already been in Nashville for just over three weeks, and this is the first post I’m making from here.  That’s not because nothing’s going on.  I think it’s more of an indicator that my time here has been very relaxing so far. The apartment that I’m staying at is right on the Cumberland River. …